Techmetals, Inc.

Dayton Regional Green Certification

Dayton Regional Green Certification

Techmetals is proud to be a member of the Dayton Regional Green 3 (DRG3) Task Force since it’s inception in 2007.

Montgomery County Commissioners lead a forum of local citizens, government and business leaders to identify strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Montgomery County. Many ideas have come from the forum. As a result, the Dayton Regional Green 3 Task Force continues it’s help.

From the initial formational meetings, the name Dayton Regional Green Task Force and the DRG3 label were developed in an effort to open the Task Force’s efforts to include all of the Dayton Region and not limit it to Montgomery County.

Dayton Regional Green Certification

The DRG3 Task Force was divided into Three Workgroups: Residential, Business, and Government. Each Workgroup was charged with Three Focus Areas: Education, Policy and Economic Development.

One of the outcomes of the Business Workgroup was the development of the DRG3 Green Business Certification Program. This program is currently being administered through Montgomery County with assistance from the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce.

DRG3 Task Force Sustainability Goals:

Become the regional resource for environmental sustainability and energy conservation through the Dayton Regional Green 3 website and Sustainability Center.

Guide the region to become more energy efficient, integrate sustainability principles into daily operations and benchmark results.

Develop a database for green standards.

Introduce sustainability culture into the community.

Reduce the region’s carbon footprint through energy efficiency.

Arrange workshops, seminars, and presentations to businesses and the community.

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